
J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge

On the subtropical barrier island of Sanibel, there is part of the largest undeveloped mangrove ecosystem in the United States. It is world famous for spectacular migratory bird populations.

Refuge Entrance Rules and Permits

Most national wildlife refuges are open to the public. Even at a refuge open to the public, however, some parts of the refuge may be off limits seasonally or year-round to avoid disturbance to wildlife or habitat. Visitors must follow refuge entrance rules regarding fees, permits, and areas open/closed to the public.

Obey the Signs

All visitors must comply with national wildlife refuge rules, regulations, posted signs and special regulations or be subject to penalty.

Pets and Other Animals

Unconfined domestic animals — including dogs, hogs, cats, horses, sheep and cattle — are not permitted to enter or roam at large at any national wildlife refuge , except as specifically authorized. Some refuges do not permit pets on leashes. Check the refugee rules before you visit.

Look, but Don’t Touch

The adage “look, but don’t touch” applies to many aspects of visiting a national wildlife refuge . Visitors may not take any animal or plants, except as authorized. Visitors may not disturb, injure, spear, poison, destroy, collect or attempt to disturb, injure, spear, poison, destroy, or collect any plant or animal, except as authorized. Visitors may not destroy, injure, deface, disturb, or remove without authorization any property, including natural objects. Visitors may not search for or remove objects of antiquity except as may be authorized by 43 CFR Part 3. Visitors may not introduce plants and animals or their parts taken from anywhere off the refuge onto the refuge, except as authorized.

Basic Conduct

Any act of indecency or disorderly conduct as defined by state or local laws is prohibited on any national wildlife refuge . Disturbing, molesting or interfering with any employee of the United States or of any local or state government engaged in official business, or with any private person engaged in the pursuit of an authorized activity on any national wildlife refuge, also is prohibited.

Alcohol and Other Drugs

Being on a national wildlife refuge when under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, to a degree that may endanger oneself or other persons or property or unreasonably annoy persons, is prohibited. Delivery of a controlled substance is prohibited, except when being delivered by a practitioner in accordance with applicable law. Possession of a controlled substance is prohibited unless such substance was obtained by the possessor directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order, from a practitioner acting in the course of his professional practice, or except as otherwise authorized by applicable law.

Sport Fishing

Sport fishing and crabbing is allowed in designated areas of the refuge, subject to the following conditions:

The taking of crabs is allowed with the use of dip nets only.

All anglers must exit refuge lands and waters no later than 1⁄2 hour after legal sunset.

Prohibit the possession and use of seines or trot lines.

dingnocastnet-scaled-1 J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge
Prohibit the use of cast nets from the left (south) side of Wildlife Drive or any water control structure , bridge, boardwalk, or rip rap affixed to Wildlife Drive.

All fish must remain in whole condition until removed from refuge lands and waters, except for fish caught and landed by individuals using the services of the refuge concessionaire at the Tarpon Bay recreation area. Those fish may be cleaned at the designated fish cleaning station in the concession area.

Prohibit the use of bows and spears from Wildlife Drive or any trail or structure affixed to Wildlife Drive.

For more information about Laws and regulations at Ding Darling, Please Visit this link

Our fishing episodes at ding darling:
Fishing Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge
Knocker Fishing Rig

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