
Longnose Gar

Longnose gar

The longnose gar has spots only on their rear fins and a very elongated, narrow snout. The length of the snout and spots are the main distinguishing factors from the Florida Gar, which is covered in spots all over and has a shorter snout.

The snouts on spotted gar are also longer than those on Florida gar, with nostrils at the tip. The Florida gar also lacks bony scales on its throat, unlike the spotted gar.

Aside from these characteristics, all species of gar have similar colorations and habits.

Fishing tackle used:
Rod: Shimano Teramar Inshore West Coast
Reel: Van Staal VR 200 – Get One Here
Line: 80lb PowerPro Green Moss Braid /w 60lb Monofiliment Leader
Hook Size: 3/0 Circle Hook

Bait Used: Live Pinfish

THOMAS PILCHER PARK in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

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