Florida’s top live bait for Freshwater fishing
What's the Best Live Freshwater Bait? Are you ready to embark on an incredible fishing…
Florida’s top live bait for saltwater fishing
What's the Best Live Saltwater Bait? Are you ready to embark on an incredible fishing…
Blue Crab
Blue Crab Trap Registration Requirements Recreational fishers age 16 and older (including those normally exempt…
Recreational Sea Shell Collecting
Recreational Sea Shell Collecting The recreational collection of sea shells is allowed depending on whether…
Shark Fishing Regulations: [one_halfs] [one_half] Harvestable Sharks Bag limit 1 shark per person per day.…
Mullet Regulations Gulf and Atlantic State Waters Regulations apply to Mugil cephalus (striped mullet), Mugil curema (silver…
Stone Crab
Stone Crab Requirements for Recreational Traps Recreational fishers age 16 and older (including those normally…
Snook Regulations [one_halfs] [one_half]Atlantic (state and adjacent federal waters, including Lake Okeechobee and Kissimmee River)…
Spanish Mackerel
Spanish Mackerel Regulations Gulf and Atlantic State Waters Minimum Size Limit: 12" fork length Daily Bag…